• Fri, May 2024



The widespread impact of digital technologies has caused a profound change in how our world operates in the twenty-first century. The symbiotic relationship that these technologies have with the economy has grown more and more entwined, changing the fundamental nature of contemporary economic activity.

The emergence of the digital era has brought about new dynamics that are transforming the way governments, businesses, and individuals interact. The economy is leading the way in the digital revolution, having previously been deeply entrenched in conventional methods. Digital technologies continue to shape the modern economy in multiple ways, having had a significant impact on economic activities.


In a world experiencing a digital renaissance, the disruptive power of digital technologies has fundamentally changed the face of the economy. Along with increased productivity and the creation of new economic opportunities, this digital transformation has also brought about a wave of innovation. Our examination of the intricate relationship between digital technologies and economic growth reveals their central role. Figure 1 underscores this connection, illustrating a clear correlation between the level of internet access and the gross domestic product (GDP) in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) generated by each state. Selangor emerges as the top contributor, with an impressive RM 384,871 million GDP, thanks in large part to its 99% internet and mobile internet usage. In contrast, Kelantan, with 93% internet and mobile internet usage, contributes an RM 26,894 million GDP. This data underscores the pivotal role that digital technologies now play in shaping our economic landscape, as we navigate this digital renaissance. 

(Source: Data collected from Department of Statistics Malaysia)
Figure 1: GDP and percentage of household internet access by state.

As the digital age continues to reshape our world, it's evident that the dynamic relationship between digital technology and the economy is ever-evolving. This era is characterized by invention and change, upheaval and adjustment, and the promise of a more prosperous, connected, and efficient world. In order to ensure that the digital age continues to shape a modern economy that benefits all of society, we must be able to harness the power of digital technologies while navigating the challenges they bring. The path forward will likely involve further leveraging these technologies to continue driving economic growth and fostering innovation in our ever-evolving world.

In conclusion, the synergy between digital technology and the economy is a dynamic one, where each drive and influences the other. The evolution we are witnessing today is marked by constant adaptation, where embracing the potential of digital technologies is crucial for a brighter future.